Dr. Sara Zaré at Zaré Medical Naturopathic Group helps women in San Francisco alleviate the symptoms of imbalanced menstrual hormones.

Hormones control a multitude of functions in the human body, and an imbalance may cause you to experience multiple problems as a result. Reducing hormonal fluctuations and aiding women in harmonizing their bodies can improve health and reduce these effects, which helps obtain optimal wellness. Hormonal imbalances can occur at any point, but often arise during their reproductive years, leading to a multitude of different issues. These disparities can lead to dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, irregular periods, PMS, anovulation, and more.

Women’s health expert Dr. Sara Zaré, at Zaré Medical Naturopathic Group in San Francisco specializes in breakthrough Anti-Aging Medicines and safe, natural therapies to help overcome the challenges associated with hormonal imbalances. Dr. Sara Zaré’s individualized women’s health programs have enabled numerous San Francisco women to obtain optimal levels of wellbeing and reclaim their vitality.

Call 415-757-5730 to speak with San Francisco Women’s Health Expert Dr. Sara Zaré, at Zaré Medical Naturopathic Group and schedule your consultation at today!

Symptoms of Menstrual Dysfunction

Because it is a process that is meant to be as cyclical and predictable, when a woman encounters a menstrual irregularity, it can be confusing, frustrating, and overwhelming. While a menstrual dysfunction can manifest itself in many ways, some of the common symptoms include:

Dysmenorrhea, or menstrual cramps, is a common complaint among women during their cycles, most frequently among women in the 20’s and 30’s. Imbalances within estrogen and progesterone may cause more weight gain, food cravings, and bloating to occur during the period, which can cause more pain. Fluctuations within these two hormones may also cause a rise in prostaglandins, which can stimulate more cramping during the menstrual cycle. Balancing estrogen and progesterone levels can help alleviate these painful cramping sensations.

Amenorrhea occurs when a woman that is not pregnant misses her menstrual period for one or more months. Many women experience this right before menopause or during perimenopause, but younger women can experience amenorrhea as well for a variety of reasons from diet and nutrition to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

Fluctuating hormones happen, from young women experiencing stress to more mature women in the beginnings of menopause. Irregular periods can be concerning whether you spot for hours or gush for days. Cycles may also be vary and women may get periods sporadically, every few weeks, or every few months. Women going through perimenopause eventually stop their periods altogether when they enter menopause, but if you’re not there yet, having relief and a cycle you can trust can be important.

The majority of women deal with PMS before their menstrual cycles, and while some degree of PMS is normal, women with hormonal imbalances may experience more severe PMS symptoms, which include: bloating, fatigue, headaches, food cravings, irritability, depression, cramping, nausea, and migraines.

When a woman does not ovulate regularly and cannot produce an egg for fertilization, it is called anovulation. This can greatly inhibit a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant, and it reduces overall fertility. Balanced and healthy hormone levels are a necessity for safe and healthy ovulation cycles. Stable hormones help to regulate the menstrual and ovulation cycles, providing support for conception and fertility, as well as aid during pregnancy and birth.

Menorrhagia is a menstrual complication in which a woman may experience prolonged or abnormally heavy bleeding. While this is not usually serious or life-threatening, if left unchecked, could lead to anemia or be fatal in severe cases.

Restore balance to your cycle, and feel in sync with your body.

Dr. Sara Zaré at Zaré Medical Naturopathic Group utilizes safe and non-invasive therapies and technologies to help San Francisco women regain hormonal balance and wellness. Call 415-757-5730 to discover how we can help you today!

Dr. Sara Zaré at Zaré Medical Naturopathic Group has helped numerous women regain optimal levels of health and increase their vitality in San Francisco.